Avoid The Progression to Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) by Addressing the Biochemical Pathway

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Promotes Venous Competency to Avoid Progression to CVD

Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) is a chronic, progressive disease of the veins that can lead to a variety of health issues such as leg edema (fluid retention), varicose veins, leg ulcers, stasis dermatitis (skin disease leading to ulcers) and hemorrhoids.

Vasculera addresses the metabolic changes that occur on the biochemical pathway, triggering the inflammatory processes that can effect the integrity of the vein walls.

The purified diosmin (diosmiplex), a flavonoid that manages the body's microcirulatory system works on the vein walls to avoid inflammatory damage. The inflammation can lead to swelling and leg pain that may affect quality of life for patients.

Vasculera is dispensed by prescription and is to be used under a physician's supervision.

Vasculera is Derived from Natural Molecules

Vasculera is a prescription medical food containing purified diosmin (MPFF), a high-quality ingredient that has been designated “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS), the highest standard of safety. Diosmin (MPFF) is a flavonoid isolated from hesperidin, found in citrus, that restores the body's microcirculatory balance. You would need to eat approximately 140 oranges a day (rind included) to consume the equivalent amount of diosmin packed into one easy-to-swallow Vasculera tablet.

Diosmin (MPFF) has been used globally for more than 20 years and is recommended in clinical-practice guidelines and is supported by a body of evidence and world-renowned vascular experts.

Vasculera’s proprietary formula combines diosmin with alka-4 complex (diosmiplex). Alka-4 complex works with diosmin to maintain the integrity of the vein wall and also counters the local acidosis produced in venous disease.

How to Take Vasculera

The recommended intake of Vasculera (diosmiplex) is 1 tablet per day to address the changes on the biochemical pathway that could lead to varicose/spider veins, edema, stasis dermatitis and or venous ulcers. Benefits may appear in as little as one week, but may not be seen for 4-to-8 weeks, especially in patients who have progressed to venous ulcers.

For chronic hemorrhoids, the recommended initial intake is one tablet three times daily for four days then one tablet twice daily for nine days followed by a maintenance intake of one tablet daily, or as directed by a physician.

For hemorrhoidal flares, the recommended initial intake is one tablet three times daily for four days followed by one tablet twice daily for nine days, or as directed by a physician.

Please see the Vasculera product information insert for further information.

Click to Get Information Tailored to Your Needs

Primus Care Direct is a hassle-free, mail-order pharmacy service where patients can get their Vasculera prescription for $59 for a 30-day supply or $147 for a 90-day supply ($49 per month), Medicare patients included. This is the lowest possible price available and includes free home delivery. If you have insurance, you may pay even less.

In addition to patient savings and convenience, Primus Care Direct saves time for healthcare practitioners by helping to increase fill rates and eliminating call-backs for prior authorizations.

Vasculera is also available at retail pharmacies, but Primus Care Direct guarantees patients will pay the lowest possible price on their prescription.

*Offer based on 30-day supply at prescribed one tablet per day dose
